#5 - 9:45 pm - Post Op
I finally got to come see Angie about 9:00 - the nurse said she had a tough time in recovery and that's why it took so long. She is very groggy and in some amount of pain. She is saying that this is 10 times worse than the C-section.
Angie confirms that she was told this was indeed diverticulitis, inflamed pouches on the colon which rupture. This may mean she's in for a special diet. Maybe not since it's only the first trouble. In any case, she's in here for a couple days, it looks for sure, unless she feels much much better tomorrow.
We have seen about getting her some more pain medication, and there is a call in to the surgeon for something for her nausea. Quite a mess.
In case you're wondering, she's in room 104 of St. John's Hospital. I am not going to give out the phone number, because I'd like to keep the phone calls to a minimum until she gets enough sleep. Send me an e-mail to read to her or post a comment here if you like, and I will read them all to her.
She will be able to have visitors tomorrow, but of primary importance is Isabella. Angie misses her terribly right now. They're bringing in a cot for me to sleep. Unless there's more news, it's good night from Maplewood! T
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