10:22 am update
I know there are a whole bunch of people checking on this blog - it's been a mostly uneventful morning, but now there is something to report!
Let's catch up--
Nurse Cynthia woke us up about 6:30 and did the check which prompted me to write the first report today. Baby head is right there. Cynthia had been our nurse all night, but of course, we had slept right through it.
Nurse Kay is our new nurse today-- we hope she won't get called away. She started Angie on the pitocin and put her on the monitor (actually, reverse order - they monitor her for 15 minutes to make sure all is well). Then, after some sleep, some food, some walking, not much had transpired. Then my mother came to visit and brought some extra clothes for me (and my slippers-- thank you Mom!) As she was leaving about 10:00, nurse Kay walked by and said, "change of plans." She came in with a crochet-hook type apparatus and broke Angie's water. Now we get down to serious business! Angie's resting again (the medication from last night is still having some effect), then we're on to some more walking and birthing ball exercises.
Angie is feeling more contractions, and we're quite sure that this will be the day!
Thanks for sticking with us and sending your prayers -- Tony (for Angie).
Wow, you two are driving me nuts with this waiting! Patience has never been easy for me. Anyway, I have all the folks at the Art Institutes pulling for you. Keep up the good work, I can't wait to see photos of the new Schaps!
We are praying for you! I have also called the Poor Clare sisters to add theirs as well. Just know that we are all thinking of you today. We love you!
The Wells Fargo gang is cheering you on and the soon-to-be auntie is sending a hedge of protection. I, unlike Tammy Lynn, am not anxious at all. I am only checking the website every 5-10 minutes and I am truly convinced that my current heart palpatations are purely caffeine related. My co-workers say my excitement and joy are contagious. Everyone loves babies, especially a baby called Bella. All our Love and Prayers from the North Branch gang and Auntie Di
It's amazing how having a baby brings out the best in everyone. My co-workers here at Mental Health are all as anxious as I. They keep asking me, any baby yet? Angi hang in there, eventually Bella will want to come out, she's just like you and Tony, putting off the inevitable. All our thoughts and prayers are with you.
The Litchfield Schaps
It's 12:45 (two and a half hours since last post) and I was just telling a coworker how I was waiting waiting waiting for another post...
and she asked - did you call anyone during your labor?
Um, no.
Did you let your husband?
Um, no.
Would you have minded if he were on a computer instead of holding your hand, leg or you on the bed to keep from strangling the doctor?
Um, yes. I would have strangled him instead!
So we will all exercise some SERIOUS patience here and know you are both working hard!! Okay, Angi a lot harder, but that's how it goes!
Love to you all!!
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