3:30 pm - Isabella exercising her prerogative...
Inching up the pitocin has not had too much effect. They are doing a nurse shift change right now, so we'll see what the new nurse Patty says when she checks in with us. Outgoing nurse Linda says that at 4:00 p.m., if signs are not more encouraging on the contraction front, they will probably stop the pitocin and put in some sort of gel thingie (progestiglandin?) which will work to further soften the cervix. With Angie relaxing overnight, the baby may decide to come after all. And if not, they will restart pitocin in the morning.
Smarty husband (that's me) made the suggestion that Angie try sitting on the birthing ball to ease her back pain and stretch the birthing channel a bit. Unfortunately, after 20 minutes on the ball, Angie found that her pitocin IV (intravenous link) had come loose, and she was going probably the whole time without the pitocin going in.
But, there is fantastic news to report: the baby heartbeat monitor shows that Isabella is in fine shape. She's just not ready to meet us yet. And, frankly, the way I look today, I don't blame her!
In any case, Angie (and I) will probably get a better night's sleep here than we got last night with all the preparations and anticipation. Sheer exhaustion will win tonight.
More later, once we find out what is going to happen.
Tony, are you in one of those rooms at St. John's where you do everything in the room? Sheri had Ben at St. John's and it was cool - a huge room where everything was done. When I was at United/Children's, they had the Family Birth Center (where you did everything in the room) and the regularl Labor and Delivery, where you went into the delivery room, then went to recovery, then went to a regular room (not in the Family Birth center). Wishing you luck and happy pushing. Here's praying for no C-section!
Love, R and G
Stay strong! It's so worth it! As soon as you have that beautiful baby girl in your arms you won't remember any of this.
I love you!!!!!
Hi tony this is anna from across the street.
So she's close? Wow. About time. Well, I'm praying 4 the baby in Religion class and good luck w/ it. Don't have an emergency C-section like they did w/ me(I came out blue...long story.)
Tony, your circumstances with the pitosin, etc. are EXACTLY what my friend Jill went through with her first little girl Sophie.....she was a bit shy and stubborn, not wanting to really come out and greet the world. So...they stopped the pitosin and sent her home, telling her to return at 7 a.m. for the second dose. (At least you and Angi get to stay there overnight, so that's a plus!) Here's hoping that little sweetie pie doesn't keep us waiting too long.....her room awaits her!!
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