#10 - Surgery Recap & Pics

For those of you just joining us, a brief recap so you don't have to read all the way down to post #1-- Angie was feeling increasingly rotten for the last few weeks, and she finally went to Urgent Care last Thursday and the doctor on Friday and was admitted immediately on suspicion of appendicitis-- but the surgeon found out that it was actually a perforated colon as a result of diverticulitis-- and they caught it early enough so it could be fixed and she only needs to be in the hospital a few days. If the colon had leaked out more, the situation would have been much more serious. She's been in a lot of pain but quite a trooper. We expect her to come home Tuesday or Wednesday. If you need more info, you can scroll down and read the earlier posts.
The good news is, she'll make a full recovery and only needs a modified diet. Angie's parents have been taking care of Bella and bringing her to visit twice a day, which has been wonderful. I start school Tuesday so will depend on our families even more to help out.
Thanks for all the kind words-- hope you enjoy a few pictures of Isabella visiting her Mommy.
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